For the scholar, student, and
interested reader...
Native American
History & Culture
The Early Frontier
Colonial & Indian Wars
The Missions
Indian Languages
Explorers &
American Dialects
The Missions
Roman Rite in the Algonquian and Iroquoian Missions
From the Colonial Period to the Second Vatican Council
by Claudio R. Salvucci
the first general treatment of the "Indian Mass" of the North American
Catholic missions, this volume draws on historical descriptions as well
as rare missionary manuscripts and publications to trace the
development of the distinctive American Indian liturgies from the early
hymn singing of the mid-1600s to the adaptation of vernacular
plainchant and polyphony. Weaving together extensive primary source
quotations, Salvucci overturns popular misconceptions of missionaries
as cultural imperialists, showing instead how native congregations and
scholarly priests worked together in adapting the rich traditions of
Counter-Reformation Roman Catholicism to the linguistic and cultural
needs of the New World.
This volume further compares and contrasts the
Indian Masses of different missions with each other and with the
official Roman Missal. It also contains chapters on the calendar and
hagiography of the missions; formulas for Baptism, Matrimony, and other
sacraments; the Divine Office; characteristic sacramentals and
devotions; and religious life. Extensive appendices are included, such
as the entire text of a Mohawk Indian Mass; propers and ordinaries for
other missions including those of the Algonquins, Abenaki, and Micmac;
a complete liturgical calendar; and short descriptions of the most
important missions.
July 2008 ~ 160pp ~ paperback ~ 978-1-889758-89-3 ~ $44.95
This title qualifies for
a 10% discount when
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by Fr. Pierre Cholonec
hundred and thirty-two years after her death, Kateri Tekakwitha has
become recognized as a saint of the Catholic Church. Father Pierre
Cholonec, one of the two main biographers of St. Kateri, wrote an
account of her life shortly after her death which helped solidify her
name and reputation within the Catholic world and began the process
that would culminate with her canonization October of 2012 as the first
American Indian saint.
This new edition of Fr. Cholonec's famous
biography, originally written in 1696, brings the courageous and
endearing story of the Lily of the Mohawks out of hard-to-find academic
texts and makes it accessible to students and general readers. It
features antique illustrations exemplifying Kateri's life and the
environment in which she lived.
2012 ~ 120pp + 3 illustrations ~ paperback ~ 978-1-935228-09-7 ~ $12.95
This title qualifies for
a 10% discount when
ordered online
Annual Narrative of the Mission of the Sault
From Its Foundation Until the Year 1686
by Claude Chauchetiere, S.J. (1686)
was a French Jesuit who
penned this fascinating
year-by-year chronicle of the famous Native American mission which drew
converts from over 20 tribes. The Sault was the home of Blessed Kateri
Tekakwitha, the beloved Mohawk-Algonquin woman who is a candidate for
sainthood in the Catholic Church. Drawing from the writings of his
fellow missionaries as well as his own personal knowledge, Chauchetiere
begins with the mission's founding at La Prairie in 1667 by Catherine
Gandeaktena, an Erie convert known as the Mother of the Poor.
Christian Iroquois fled persecution in their homeland, the mission
swelled to become "the asylum of those who wished sincerely to pray to
God". Yet even with "the forces of hell unchained against the mission"
—unscrupulous liquor dealers, dissolute women, hostile French governors
and Iroquois pagans—the Sault's Christian faith remained unshaken, and
survived to become the nucleus of an authentically Native Church,
throughout Canada and the northern United States.
2006 ~ 70pp ~ paperback ~ 1-889758-75-2 ~ $18.95
This title qualifies for
a 10% discount when
ordered online
Jesuit Missions in Northern Ontario
François Maynard, S.J.
This extensive volume compiled by
Fr. François
Maynard, S.J., describes to the history of Jesuit mission activity in
the northern Great Lakes area beginning in the 1600s. The original
autograph consisted of seven separately bound tomes, the first four of
which have been consolidated and translated here. The work consists
mainly of documents which describe the foundation and development of
Fort William and Port Arthur on the shore of Lake Superior and the work
done there by the Jesuits beginning in 1661 up through 1924.
particularly among the native peoples. An substantial appendix contains
reproductions of relevant newspaper clippings, photographs, postcards
and maps.
Jesuit Missions Series, Volume 19
2012 ~ 324pp + 36pp appendix (incl. maps and photos)
paperback ~ 978-0-9867719-7-2 ~ $62.50 |

Québec Relations: 1632, 1633, 1634
Paul Le Jeune, S.J., edited by Lucien
Campeau, S.J.
(Transl. William Lonc, S.J.)
This volume and two subsequent ones
English translations of the Jesuit
Relations written by Fr. Paul Le
Jeune found
in the Monumenta Novae Franciae.
France, and the Native peoples among whom they lived and worked.
The Relation of the year 1632 chronicles Fr.
Le Jeune's arrival and details his initial impressions of the
Montagnais, their appearance, way of life, frequent combats, and their
torture and killing of prisoners. The Relation of 1633 covers the
difficulties of the winters in New France, food and eating habits of
the Montagnais, the languages of the Natives, the arrival of Champlain,
his assumption of the governorship of the colony, and comments on the
appearance and disposition of the Hurons. The 1634 Relation primarily
concerns Le Jeune's difficult winter among the Montagnais--an account
which is full of first-hand details about Montagnais life and culture
during the period of intial contact with Europeans.
Missions Series, Volume 14
2004 ~
277pp + 6 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9734558-0-9 ~ $40.00
The Jesuit Mission in Acadie and Norembègue
Pierre Biard, S.J., edited by Lucien
Campeau, S.J.
(Transl. George Topp, S.J. and William Lonc,
This volume brings together
translations of the several documents by Fr. Pierre Biard pertaining to
the Jesuit missionary activity in the Acadia and Norembègue
territory from 1611 through 1613. It includes Biard's Relation of 1616 as well as six
letters written to his religious superiors and two to Sieur Biencourt.
Also included is a copy of the original edition of the Annuae Litterae of 1612 taken from
the Institutum Historicum Societatis
Iesu in Rome. This document is believed to have been written by
Fr. Biard and generally summarizes his Relation without contradicting it.
Missions Series, Volume 13
2003 ~
282pp + 6 maps & illus. ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9730161-9-2 ~
Jesuit Missions in Acadia and New France 1616-1634
Edited by
Campeau, S.J.
(Transl. George Topp, S.J. and William Lonc,
This volume contains English
translations of documents
that pertain to the first mission in Acadia, and the arrival of the
first Jesuits in the basin of the St. Lawrence River on two occasions:
from 1625 until they were ejected by the English in 1629, and again
they returned in 1632 after peace had been achieved. The volume
presents the primary documentary sources from this period until 1634,
gives a brief historical sketch, a description of the apostolic mission
field, and finally evaluates the sources published in the volume.
Missions Series, Volume 12
2003 ~
272pp + 5 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9730161-4-7 ~
The Jesuits and Early Montreal
Campeau, S.J.
(Transl. William Lonc, S.J. & George Topp, S.J.)
This volume is an English
translation of Lucien Campeau's Montreal,
Fondation Missionaire,
to establish a native Reduction on
Montreal Island. It is a story of spiritual heroism and generosity on
the part of people like Jeanne Mance, Marguerite Bourgeoys, De
Maisonneuve, La Dauversière, Pierre Chevrier, Madame de Bullion,
the Hospitalers, the Sulpicians, the Montreal Sociey, and many
otheres. It is also a story of heart-breaking errors of judgment
on the part of some key players, of struggling in an atmosphere of
tension between the Iroquois and the French.
Missions Series, Volume 11
2002 ~
248pp + 3 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9687053-6-0 ~ $32.50
Jesuit Mission to the Souriquois in Acadia 1611-1613
Lucien Campeau, S.J. (Transl. William
Lonc, S.J. & George
Topp, S.J.)
This volume is a translation of
Lucien Campeau's lengthy introduction to La Première Mission d'Acadie
(1602-1616) which is volume 1 of the Monumenta
Franciae series. It is a useful compilation of research on
the European discovery, exploration, and early settlement of the
northeastern coast of North America. Campeau's first two chapters
give an overview of the discovery of the region by Verrazano, Cartier,
and others. Subsequent chapters deal with origins, mode of living, and
religious practices of the Souriquois tribe (otherwise known as the
Mi'kmaqs). The closing chapters deal with the origin of the Jesuit
missions to the Souriquois, the establishment of commerce, and the
various conflicts among the early French settlers.
This volume also includes a detailed
bibliography as well as a list of the primary source documents included
in Monumenta Novae Franciae,
volume 1. Of the three appendixes, the third is an English translation
of the Factum of Proceedings between
Jean de Biencourt and Frs. Biard and Massé from 1614—a
rare and valuable document detailing some of the French progress and
conflicts at the short-lived Port Royal colony.
Missions Series, Volume 10
2002 ~
364pp ~ 8 illus. ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9687053-5-3
~ $42.50
Huron Relations for 1639 to 1645
Jérôme Lalemant, S.J., edited by Lucien
Campeau, S.J.
(Transl. William Lonc, S.J.)
The objective of this volume is to
make available an English translation of Fr. Lucien Campeau's
extensively annotated edition of the Huron
Relations written by Fr.
Jérôme Lalemant.
The invaluable data found in this volume chronicles the
critical period in Huronia when the missionary effort was gaining
momentum at the same time the military position of the Huron
confederacy was deteriorating rapidly. These Relations contain some of
the last historical information on the Hurons prior to their
dissolution--their reactions to the Jesuit missionary presence, the
increasing hostility of the Iroquois, fruitless attempts to make peace,
and a myriad of cultural observations and anecdotes describing daily
life among the Hurons.
This volume also includes an account of the
capture of Fr. Isaac Jogues and his companions by the Iroquois while on
their way to Huronia.
Missions Series, Volume 9-2
2006 ~
446pp + 4 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9734558-4-7 ~ $62.50
Catherine Tegakouitha
Iroquois Maiden
Martin, S.J., (Transl. William Lonc, S.J.)
This edition of Fr. Felix Martin's
19th century biography of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha was originally
hand-written in French and discovered in the Jesuit in St. Jerome,
Quebec under the title, Une Vierge
Iroquoise ou Vie de Catherine Tegakouita Never published in
French, it was later translated into English by by Fr. Henry Van
Rensselaer. This edition has been post-translated by Fr. William Lonc
to follow the original French edition more closely. A complete
transcription of
the hand-written French edition is also included in this volume.
Missions Series, Volume 7-2
2006 ~
272pp + 2 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9734558-9-2 ~ $47.50
Catherine Tekakwitha
Lily of the Mohawks
Martin, S.J., (Transl. William Lonc, S.J.)
Although this biography of Blessed
Catherine Tekakwitha is not an eye-witness account, nevertheless, the
author, Fr. Félix Martin, was closely associated with
Catherine's village of Caughnawaga in the second half of the 19th
century and is remembered for his historical writings.
This biography of St. Kateri is the same as appears
in volume 7-2 in the Misisons series (Catherine
Maiden). This edition, however, does not
include the transcription fo the original French.
Missions Series, Volume 7-1
2006 ~
140pp + 2 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9739886-1-1 ~ $32.50
Catherine Tekakwitha
Her Life
Pierre Cholenec, S.J. (Transl. William Lonc, S.J.)
The earliest biography of Kateri
Tekakwitha, Blessed of the Catholic Church, this work is attributed to
Fr. Pierre Cholenec, Kateri's spiritual
advisor. It was originally written in the late 17th century (an exact
date is not known) and chronicles the life, trials, sanctity and
death of this remarkable woman, otherwise known as the Lily of the
Mohawks. It also contains a record of the many miracles that are
attributed to the intercession of Kateri.
Aside from a full English translation, this
volume also contains the original work in French.
Missions Series, Volume 7
2002 ~
172pp ~ 1 map ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9730161-2-3 ~ $30.00
The Donnés in Huronia
Jean Côté (1955) (Transl. George Topp, S.J. & William Lonc, S.J.)
This book is a translation of a
study pertaining to the men known as donnés who participated in
the Jesuit Mission to the Hurons in the early
part of the 17th century. Though the Jesuit
Relations shed much light on the missionary work done by the
Jesuits themselves, little attention is paid to the critical
contributions of the lay donnés, the perpetual domestic servants
of the Fathers. As Fathers Lalemant, Brébeuf and Garnier
proclaimed, "Without the donnés we cannot undertake anything."
This book attempts to give credit to the work of the donnés by
consolidating information found in the Jesuit Relations and other
sources from the early 1630s through 1650.
Missions Series, Volume 5
2001 ~
224pp ~ 4
maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9687053-1-5 ~ $32.50
Jean de Brébeuf's Writings
René Latourelle, S.J. (1953) (Transl. William Lonc, S.J. & George
Topp, S.J.)
Jean de Brébeuf is often
called the Apostle to the Hurons and indeed, without his invaluable
commentary on this nation on the eve of destruction, very little would
be known. This volume attempts to catalog and analyze the varitey of
writings of this astute observer of Huron life and culture. From the
years 1630 through 1648, Brébeuf produced letters, catechisms, a
dictionary, a grammar, relations, and even a Christmas carol in three
languages: Latin, French and Huron. This book includes translations of
several heretofore unpublished letters by Brébeuf along with
spiritual notes and translations of seven Latin letters addressed to
the General of the Society of Jesus. In wrapping up his study of
Brébeuf's writings, the author calls him, "a mystic, a crusader,
a contemplative, and a good of the greatest sons of the
Society, a perfect son of Saint Ignatius."
Missions Series, Volume 2
2001 ~
346pp + 2 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9687053-2-2 ~ $44.50
Biographical Dictionary for The Jesuit Missions
In Acadia and New France: 1602-1654
Edited by
Campeau, S.J.
(Transl. George Topp, S.J. and William Lonc,
Indispensible for
scholars studying
the early colonial history of the Eastern Woodlands, this biographical
dictionary is derived from the "Notices Biographiques" found in the
first eight published volumes of Lucien Campeau's Monumenta Novae
Franciae. It
contains the names of people who in one way or another are associated
with the French Jesuit missionary efforts in Canada in the early 17th
century. Specifically, the period covered is 1602 to 1654, beginning
with the mission at Port Royal in Acadia and ending with the
post-Huronia period.
The work includes brief biographies of
native Souriquois, Hurons, Montagnais, Algonquians, and Iroquois as
well as French and other Europeans.
Missions Series, Volume 1
2004 ~ 344pp ~ 4 maps ~ paperback ~ 978-0-9687053-4-6 ~ $45.00
Evolution Publishing | Early
Indian Language Database | ACNA Series |
ALR Series