English Dialect Books

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A Dictionary of Pennsylvanianisms Claudio R. Salvucci.

A Grammar of the Philadelphia Dialect by Claudio R. Salvucci

The Philadelphia Dialect Dictionary by Claudio R. Salvucci


A Treatise on the Provincial Dialect of Scotland  by Sylvester Douglas, Charles Jones (Editor)

Survey of English Dialects : The Dictionary and Grammar Clive Upton, David Parry, J. D. A. Widdowson

The Dialects of England  by Peter Trudgill

Yes Mush : A Cockney Dictionary : The Cockney Language and Its World by Robert Barltrop


Canajan, Eh? by Mark M. Orkin

Dictionary of Newfoundland English by G.M. Story et al.

Dictionary of Prince Edward Island English by T. K. Pratt

Prince Edward Island sayings   by T. K. Pratt (Editor), Scott Burke (Editor)

Wet coast words : a dictionary of British Columbia words and phrases [Out of Print] by Tom Parkin



Dictionary of Americanisms : A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded As Peculiar to the United States by John Russell Bartlett
This dictionary, first published in the mid part of the nineteenth century, was among the first to compile American dialect words as an independant entity.

Handbook of the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States by William A. Kretzschmar Jr. (Editor)
This book does not contain much linguistic data per se, but it is an extremely useful work for those who make frequent use of the Linguistic Atlas records. Much of the book is taken up in community and informant sketches: each and every locality surveyed is listed, along with a sketch of its settlement history. A short paragraph is devoted to each LAMSAS informant: occupation, age, family history, and various other notes. Other features of this work include notations on the fieldworkers' transcriptional peculiarities, and maps showing the locations of each informant. Not recommended for those with merely a casual interest because of its technical nature, but indispensable for those delving into the intricacies of the LAMSAS data.

Dictionary of American Regional English, vol. 1 : A-C. Frederic G. Cassidy (Editor)
Dictionary of American Regional English, vol. 2 : D-H. Frederic G. Cassidy (Editor), Joan Houston Hall (Editor)
Dictionary of American Regional English, vol. 3 : I-O. Frederick G. Cassidy (Editor), Joan Houston Hall (Editor)
The Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) is not fully published yet, but what has already been released is nothing short of outstanding. Here for the first time we see a massive compilation of data ranging from Linguistic Atlas-style interviews, to thorough historical and literary citations, to odd notations collected right on up to the present. It is no exaggeration to call this the ne plus ultra of American dialect lexicology. Even if your interest is only in one specific area of the country, DARE can be of great help in determining what the true extent of those "local" words really are. The first volume contains introductory chapters on typical changes in American folk speech, a guide to pronunciation, the text of the DARE questionnaire, and a listing of all the informants and their relevant biographical information. The dictionary itself is in a very readable and reference-friendly style, and it actually makes fun browsing.

American Regional Dialects : A Word Geography by Craig Carver
This book is an analysis of the lexical data collected from the DARE surveys, and makes a good companion to the DARE Dictionary. A good book if you want to know what the general dialect picture of the country looks like, and how the various dialects relate to each other.

Writing in Nonstandard English (Pragmatics & Beyond, New Ser. 67) Hardcover (October 1999)

American English : Dialects and Variation (Language in Society, No 24) [Hardback] by Walt Wolfram, Natalie Schilling-Estes. [Paperback edition]

American Dialect Research (Centennial Series of the American Dialect Society) [Hardback] by Dennis R. Preston (Editor) [Paperback edition]

Discovering American Dialects by Roger W. Shuy

Applied Phonetics : The Sounds of American English (Singular Textbook Series) by Harold T. Edwards

Focus on the USA (Varieties of English Around the World, General Series, Vol 16) by Edgar W. Schneider (Editor)

How to Talk American : A Guide to Our Native Tongues by Jim Crotty

The Mother Tongue : English & How It Got That Way by Bill Bryson


How to Talk Yankee by Gerald E. Lewis
A general-interest work which treats dialect usage in northern New England, with a particular emphasis on Maine.

Yankee Talk : A Dictionary of New England Expressions (Facts on File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, V. 3) [Hardcover] Robert Hendrickson [Paperback edition]

New Yawk Tawk : A Dictionary of New York City Expressions (Facts on File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, Vol 5) [Hardcover] Robert Hendrickson [Paperback edition]

A Dictionary of Pennsylvanianisms Claudio R. Salvucci.

A Grammar of the Philadelphia Dialect by Claudio R. Salvucci

The Philadelphia Dialect Dictionary by Claudio R. Salvucci

How to Speak Dutchified English by Gary Gates

How to Speak Dutch-ified English Vol. 2 by Gary Gates

Pennsylvania German Reader and Grammar Ernest Haag.

'Heartland' English : Variation and Transition in the American Midwest (Centennial Series of the American Dialect Society) by Timothy C. Frazer (Editor)

How to Talk Midwestern by Robert Thomas

How to Talk Hoosier by N. Bell

How to Talk Minnesotan by Howard Mohr

The Language of St. Louis, Missouri : Variation in the Gateway City (American United Studies Xiii, Linguistics, Vol 4) by Thomas E. Murray

Aw, Shucks! : The Dictionary of Country Jawing (The New Artful Wordsmith Series) by Anne Bertram (Editor), Richard A. Spears (Editor)

Whistlin' Dixie : A Dictionary of Southern Expressions (Facts on File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, Vol 1) by Robert Hendrickson

Language Variety in the South Revisited by Cynthia Bernstein, Thomas Nunnally, Robin Sabino

Lexical Change and Variation in the Southeastern United States, 1930-1990 by Ellen Johnson

Annotated Bibliography of Southern American English by James B. McMillan, Michael B. Montgomery

Black and White Speech in the Southern United States : Evidence from the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States by George Townsend Dorrill

Field Guide to Southern Speech : A Twelve-Gauge Lexicon...

How to Speak Southern by Steve Mitchell

More How to Speak Southern by Steve Mitchell

You All Spoken Here by Roy Wilder

This Dog'll Hunt by Wallace O. Chariton,

Southern Talk : A Disappearing Language    by Ray Cunningham

Hoi Toide on the Outer Banks : The Story of the Ocracoke Brogue by Walt Wolfram, Natalie Schilling-Estes

Dialect Change and Maintenance on the Outer Banks (Publication of the American Dialect Society, No 81)  by Walt Wolfram, Kirk Hazen (Editor), Natalie Schilling-Estes (Editor)

East Tennessee Folk Speech : A Synopsis (Bamberger Beitrage Zur Englischen Sprachwissenschaft, Bd. 12) by Lee Pederson

Smoky Mountain Voices : A Lexicon of Southern Appalachian Speech Based on the Research of Horace Kephart  by Horace Kephart (Editor), J. Karl Nicholas (Editor), Harold F., jr Farwell

The Mountain Man Vernacular : Its Historical Roots, Its Linguistic Nature, and Its Literary Uses (Amer Univ Studies IV : Eng Lang & Lit, Vol. 22)

Mountain Range : A Dictionary of Expressions from Appalachia to the Ozarks (Facts on File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, Vol 4) [Hardcover] by Robert Hendrickson [Paperback edition]

Down in the Holler : A Gallery of Ozark Folk Speech by Vance Randolph

Celebration of Ozark by Suzzette Elgin

Happy Trails; A Dictionary of Western Expressions by Robert Hendrickson

More Texas Sayings Than You Can Shake a Stick at by Anne Dingus

Bubba Speak : Texas Folk Sayings by W. C. Jameson

Cowboy Slang by Frosty Potter

Western Lore and Language : A Dictionary for Enthusiasts of the American West by Thomas L. Clark

Boontling : An American Lingo by Charles C. Adams

Buzzwords : L.A. Fresh Speak by Anna Scotti, et al.

How to Speak Alaskan by Mike Doogan

Dictionary of Alaskan English by Russell Tabbert

African-American English : Structure, History, and Usage by Salikoko S. Mufwene et al.

Black English : Its History and Usage in the United States by Joey Lee Dillard

Talkin and Testifyin : The Language of Black America (Waynebook, 51) by Geneva Smitherman-Donaldson

Black Talk : Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner by Geneva Smitherman-Donaldson

Black English Vernacular (From 'Ain'T' to 'Yo Mama' : The Words Politically Correct Americans Should Know) by Monica Frazier Anderson


Dictionary of Bahamian English by John A. Holm

More talkin' Bahamian by Patricia Glinton-Meicholas

Dictionary of Jamaican English by Frederic Gomes Cassidy

Jamaican Sayings : With Notes on Folklore, Aesthetics, and Social Control  by G. Llewellyn Watson

Trinidad and Tobago (Varieties of English Around the World, No  6)   by Lise Winer


A Dictionary of South African English  by Jean Branford, William Branford

Dictionary of English Usage Southern Africa   by R. Douglas


A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms by G. A. Wilkes (Editor)

Tassie Terms : A Glossary of Tasmanian Words by Maureen Brooks, Joan Ritchie

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