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General Information
While a few of the ancient languages of the Eastern Woodlands coastal region are still spoken today, the majority of them are either extinct or very nearly so. Moreover, many of the languages which became extinct early on were never well recorded, and so there is little of these to study except short collections of a few hundred words or less.
The contents of the various vocabularies of these languages vary: some contain mainly social terms, others trading terms and still others natural history terms. But in most cases, some numbers have been recorded, and so we provide these here as a good basis for comparing the languages.
We have also provided links to those vocabularies we have published in our ALR series, which can be accessed from this page by following the hypertext links at the desired vocabulary. Those not linked are not currently available in our ALR series.
Due to the limitations of the html format, all accents have been
left out
of the transcriptions for the sake of readability. Missing characters
the manuscript vocabularies are indicated by an underscore _. Languages
arranged geographically from north to south, northernmost languages at
ALGONQUIAN | author | date | one | two | three | four | five |
Miami | Thornton | 1802 | nggooteh | niijueh | nisthueh | niiueh | ilaanueh |
Illinois | Duponceau | 1820 | nicote | nihsson | nihssoni | nihoni | niaharangh |
Shawnee | Weiser | 1755 | belecko | nishanu | unuswi | nehwy | yalanu |
Shawnee ? | Eddleman | 178? | nequita | nesway | netheny | narroway | nollony |
Shawnee | Denny | 1786 | necootey | neesway | nethway | neaway | nalanway |
Shawnee | Ridout | 1788 | nicoutee | nisswee | theywe | neawee | nealanawey |
Shawnee | Johnston | 1820 | negote | neshwa | nithese | newe | nialinwe |
Micmac (Souriquois) | Lescarbot | 1609 | negout | tabo | chicht | neou | nan |
Maliseet | Stephens | 1855 | nac-quet | ta-bo | seest | na-hoo | naan |
Etchemin | Lescarbot | 1609 | bechkon | nich | nach | iau | prenchk |
Massachusett | Wood | 1635 | a quit | nees | nis | yoaw | abbona |
Natick | Trumbull | 1903 | nequt | neese | nish | yaw | napanna |
Narragansett | Williams | 1643 | nquit | neesse | nish | yoh | nepanna |
Pequot | Noyes | 1679 | nucqutt | nau? | nish | yaw | nuppaw |
Pequot | Stiles | 1762 | nuquut | naez/neeze | shweh | yauh | nuppau |
Mohegan-Pequot | Prince & Speck | 1904 | nequt | nis | ch'wi | iaw | nipau |
Montauk | Gardiner | 1798 | nucqut | neeze | nish | iyeow | nepau |
Unquachog | Jefferson | 1791 | nquit? | nees | nus | yauh | napaa |
Mahican (Moravian) | Schmick | 1754 | ngutte | nesche | nacha | nawa | nanane |
Mahican (Stockbridge) | Edwards | 1788 | ngwittoh | neesoh | noghhoh | nauwoh | nunon |
Mahican | Jefferson | 1791 | n-co-tah | nu-shah | na-hagh | na-wagh | nonun |
Mahican | Jefferson | 1791 | guttah | ni-schah | na-chah | na-wah | na-nan |
Lenape (Minsi) | Heckewelder | 1816 | gutti | nischa | nacha | newa | nalan |
Lenape (Minsi) | Jefferson | 1791 | gut-ti | ni-scha | na-che | ne-we | na-lan |
Lenape (Moravian) | Brinton & Anthony | 1888 | ngutti | nischa | nacha | newo | palenach |
Lenape (Sanhican) | DeLaet | 1633 | cotte | nysse | nacha | wywe | parenagh |
Lenape (New Jersey) | Madison | 1792 | guute | niiska | niiha | naa | pollinuuk |
Lenape | Weiser | 1755 | koty | nisha | naha | nehwa | beleanagh |
Lenape | Denny | 1785 | guttee | nechshaa | nochhaa | nevaa | paaleenough |
Lenape (Jargon) | Anonymous | 1684 | cutte | nisha | necca | neuwa | palenah |
Lenape (Jargon) | Holm | 1696 | ciutte | nissa | nacha | naeuwo | pareenach |
Lenape (Jargon) | Thomas | 1698 | kooty | nisha | nacha | neo | pelenach |
Nanticoke (Choptank) | Vans Murray | 1792 | nickquit | na-eez | nis (whu) | yaugh (whu) | nup-pai-a |
Nanticoke | Jefferson | 1791 | nuk-gut | nus | nischw | iauch | nep-pa-ie |
Nanticoke | Speck | 1914 | nokut | nis | nes | yau | nepaya' |
Powhatan | Smith | 1614 | necut | ningh | nuss | yough | paranske |
Powhatan | Strachey | 1612 | nekut | ninge | nousough | yeough | porance |
Pamlico | Lawson | 1709 | weembot | neshinnauh | nish-wonner | yau-ooner | umperren |
IROQUOIAN | author | date | one | two | three | four | five |
Stadacona | Cartier | 1535 | secada | tigneni | hasche | hannaion | oiuscon |
Huron | Sagard-Theodat | 1632 | escate | teni | hachin | dac | ouyche |
Huron | Potier | 1920 | skat | tendi | achienk | ndak | 8ich |
Wyandot | Weiser | 1755 | uscot | tenty | ashuck | hanack | uwisk |
Wyandot | Johnston | 1820 | scat | tin,dee | shaight | an,daght | wee,ish |
Wyandot | Walker | 1852 | skot | tendee | schenk | n'dauhk | oo weehsh |
Mohawk | Wassenaer | 1624 | honslat | tegeni | hasse | kajeri | wisk |
Mohawk | van den Bogaert | 1635 | onscat | tiggeni | asse | cayere | wisch |
Mohawk | Weiser | 1755 | huskat | teckiny | achson | cayeary | wisk |
Mohawk | Vaughan? | 1757 | muscat | tigany | achsa | kaery | whisk |
Mohawk | Edwards | 1788 | uskot | teggeneh | ohs | kialeh | wisk |
Mohawk | Dwight | 1836 | oohskott | tekkehnih | ohson | kuhyayrelih | wissk |
Mohawk | Elliot | 1845 | easka | tekeni | aghsea | kieri | wisk |
Oneida | Jefferson | 1791 | nu_cat | teghin | h__ | cayeli | huisc |
Oneida | Shearman | 1845 | ans cot | da ga nee | ha son | ki ya lee | wisk |
Onondaga | Alsop | 1666 | unskat | tegni | achen | gayeri | wisk |
Onondaga | Zeisberger | 1760 | skata | tekeni | achoo | gajeri | wisk |
Onondaga | Jefferson | 1791 | skata | tekeni | achso | gajeri | wisk |
Onondaga | Shea | 1860 | unskat | tegni | achen | gayeri | 8isk |
Cayuga | Elliot | 1845 | skat | tekni | segh | kei | wis |
Seneca | War Department | 1836 | skaut | ticknee | shegh | kaee | wish |
Mingo (Conestoga) | Vaughan? | 1757 | tickhany | auksheh | kayih | whisk | |
Susquehannock | Campanius | 1696 | onskat | tiggene | axe | rajene | wisck |
Nottoway | Wood | 1820 | unte | dekanee | arsa | hentag | whisk |
Tuscarora | Lawson | 1709 | unche | necte | ohs-sah | untoc | ouch-whe |
Tuscarora | Vaughan? | 1757 | anchy | neckaty | anchou | huntacht | whisk |
Tuscarora | Chew | 1845 | euh che | nak te | ah sunk | kunh toh | weesk |
SIOUAN | author | date | one | two | three | four | five |
Tutelo | Hale | 1883 | nons | nomp | lat, nan | top | kise |
Tutelo | Sapir | 1913 | blos | nos | na | tu | bi |
Tutelo | Frachtenberg | 1913 | nons | kiseng | sagom | tup | niswa |
Catawba | Gallatin | 1836 | dupunna | naperra | namunda | purre-purra | pukte-arra |
Woccon | Lawson | 1709 | tonne | num-perra | nam-mee | punnum-punne | webtau |
UNCLASSIFIED | author | date | one | two | three | four | five |
Nansemond | Mooney | 1907 | nikatwin | nakatwin | nikwasati | toisiaw' | misha'naw |
Pamunkey | Dalrymple | 1858 | nikkut | orijak | kiketock | mitture | nahnkitty |